Birds of a Feather

Anyone who has looked towards the Monterey Bay has seen a proliferation of marine life lately. Can you say whales? Pelicans, seals, porpoise and of course seagulls, to name a few, were in large numbers. Apparently the abundance of anchovies in the Bay has attracted all this amazing marine life. A little over a week ago, it was stormy and foggy along Rio Del Mar beach. A zillion pelicans and seagulls decided to weather it out along the beach. I have lived in RDM the last 27 years and have never seen so many pelicans in one location! I headed to the beach with my 100-400mm lens and began to capture these images. Then some guy came walking along the state beach with his dog unleashed and doing its "business" along the way. And of course he didn't clean up after his dog. I asked him nicely to not walk through and disturb the wildlife while I was photographing. He ignored my plea, proceeded with his dog, and plowed through the middle of these birds. We had a few words that I cannot print. Unfortunately the ranger had just passed by moments earlier.



Photographers note:

Camera settings - Canon 5DII; 1/400 sec @ F16; iso 800; lens focal length 400mm

The Conductor


Photographers note:

Camera settings - Canon 5DII; 1/500 sec @ F16; iso 800; lens focal length 400mm

More Pelicans


Photographers note:

Camera settings - Canon 5DII; 1/500 sec @ F16; iso 800; lens focal length 400mm